
Table of Contents

Because SuperDB is still under construction, GA releases are not yet available. However, you can install a build of the super command-line tool based on code that’s under active development to start tinkering.

Multiple options for installing super are available:

To install the SuperDB Python client, see the Python library documentation.


Once you’ve installed super we recommend focusing first on the functionality shown in the super command doc. Feel free to explore other docs and try things out, but please don’t be shocked if you hit speedbumps in the near term, particularly in areas like performance and full SQL coverage. We’re working on it! 😉

Once you’ve tried it out, we’d love to hear your feedback via our community Slack.


On macOS and Linux, you can use Homebrew to install super:

brew install brimdata/tap/super

Once installed, run a quick test.

Building From Source

If you have Go installed, you can easily build super from source:

go install

This installs the super binary in your $GOPATH/bin.

Once installed, run a quick test.


If you don’t have Go installed, download and install it from the Go install page. Go 1.24 or later is required.

Quick Tests

super is easy to test as it’s a completely self-contained command-line tool and requires no external dependencies.

Test super

To test super, simply run this command in your shell:

echo '"hello, world"' | super -z -

which should produce

"hello, world"

Test super db

To test super db, we’ll make a SuperDB data lake in ./scratch, load data, and query it as follows:

export SUPER_DB_LAKE=./scratch
super db init
super db create Demo
echo '{s:"hello, world"}' | super db load -use Demo -
super db query "from Demo"

which should display

{s:"hello, world"}

Alternatively, you can run a lake service, load it with data using super db load, and hit the API.

In one shell, run the server:

super db init -lake scratch
super db serve -lake scratch

And in another shell, run the client:

super db create Demo
super db use Demo
echo '{s:"hello, world"}' | super db load -
super db query "from Demo"

which should also display

{s:"hello, world"}
